While working for TITLE GUARANTY,in the basement of the old COSTCO building, in SALT LAKE, I reported MOLD growing in a wall, below an air - conditioner, adjacent to where we would eat, to management.
After weeks passing and seeing nothing done, I went to Hawaii - OSHA. Hawaii - OSHA passed off my complaint to the Health Department, claiming they did not have jurisdiction. Neither Hawaii - OSHA or the Health Department responded to my complaint.
I had to track down information myself. Finally the air conditioner was replaced and a sheetrock panel was replaced.
Then, there was the "FLOOD" when arriving at work between 4:00 and 4:30 I heard a bell ringing at the standpipe. Before arriving I went to Tesoro to get a snack. In the back I saw TORRENTS of water coming out of the trucking bays. LITERALLY, TORRENTS. This water was obviously under pressure. It did not come from an accumulation of rain water, as I was told.
I was sent home at 4:30 in the morning because of an "unsafe work enviornment." That same day I called back to see if we could come in. I discovered everyone else was allowed to work. The next day I returned to work and saw covers on the computers and cardboard on the floor.
I inquired if the fire department was called and was told "no". Seemingly this cursory "mop up " was all that took place and we carried on as usual. Now this location is being sold to TTARGET STORES, BY KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS. At least the parking lot and the ground level store. Was an inspection ever done? COVER - UP AND, OR SET - UP?
Vernon Balmer Jr.
401 Atkinson DR 211
Honolulu, Hawaii 96814
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