Tuesday, September 15, 2009


CHERYL 'KAWIZZLE' IREBARIA - I found Cheryl to be quite a curious sort, to be at the University at the time. Early in my time there she was nice enough to offer me a ride home. When she began on a course of what seemed to be leading into pop psychology, I had her drop me off at the bus stop. This, I thought, was no skin off either of us. Fastforward: After the hugs and before the arm around the shoulder, came a few interesting conversations.

1. When she told me she wanted to learn to steal a car, in case she ever needed to. I chalked this one up to - youth and possibly to many thrillers. This, I shared with management to indicate the atmosphere of the basement.

2. After hearing Cheryl say "I always get even", I asked her the following day, if revenge was sweet. Later, that day I found Cheryl seemingly avoiding me, and while speaking with Henrietta, found that Cheryl had forgotten her comments of the previous day, and thought I had made some kind of veiled threat. According to Henrietta, she thought I was going to kill her. I chalked this one up to - again, too many thrillers and too much of a stereotypical view of black men. Maybe, too much BET.

3.The most unsettling one was when she, at that time, a 2nd or 3rd year student, asked why Emmet Till wasn't in the history books. I explained, that's the reason black history courses and books were created. Why she would think one of thousands would make mainstream history books, I couldn't fathom. I also couldn't chalk this one up.

MARY JANE KAHOOPII - Tells the class her brother in-law is a policeman. Says he's one with unmarked vehicle and blue light. Seems she thinks these are the cops one should be afraid of. Could it be ???

RENEE AIONA - I, and most others there saw Renee hit with hands and objects, pinched and pushed, by Myles and Chris. One day she was taped into a chair - this with packing tape - and pushed into the rear of the building. Good thing, they weren't singing that Aretha Franklin song, when they did it. It could very well have been misconstrued as harassment, or worse?