Friday, October 19, 2007



OCT 19, 2007
I sent this information to you all before but received dubious responses. When I inquired about the relationship to the investigation,of the individuals I was told this information was forwarded to, I received no response. I am submitting it again to those investigating. I worked at Title Guaranty May 2002 - May 2004. during this time I heard from co - workers that there were Title Guaranty employees working at the Bureau Of Conveyances, scanning documents. I thought this would be fo interest to you. If not, disregard it.

APR. 10, 2008

"Where megabucks real estate and the companies involved are concerned, there will always be a back off."

APR.10, 2008
Bureau of Conveyances allegations unsubstantiated
Ethics Commission says misconduct complaints lack specific evidence
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Associated Press

The state Ethics Commission yesterday concluded that allegations of ethical misconduct at Hawai'i's property records agency have not been substantiated.

"The allegations appear to be based more on suspicion and speculation rather than on specific, credible evidence," the commission said.

It had been alleged Bureau of Conveyances employees received very expensive gifts from title companies and others who file documents with the agency.

There were also allegations that certain title companies and individuals received preferential treatment from employees of the bureau.

"There appeared to be significant differences of opinion among employees of the bureau as to how the bureau's work should be performed and what the correct protocol should be when dealing with title companies and others who record documents at the bureau," the commission said.

"These differences of opinion constituted management issues for the bureau or for the Department of Land and Natural Resources to address," it said. "These issues were not matters that fell within the jurisdiction of the state Ethics Commission."

In January, an investigation by a committee of state lawmakers concluded the bureau suffered from "severe mismanagement" and constant office squabbles that cost taxpayers at least $226,000.

The committee's report exposed a perennially dysfunctional office environment in the bureau, but it didn't accuse government employees of breaking the law. It recommended someone be appointed to oversee the troubled agency.

But lawmakers backed off the idea of appointing a "special master" to institute changes in the bureau.

Instead, the bureau was given another chance to correct allegations of mismanagement, incompetence and fiscal unaccountability before lawmakers reconsider intervening with heavy-handed changes next year.

Friday, September 21, 2007


While working for TITLE GUARANTY,in the basement of the old COSTCO building, in SALT LAKE, I reported MOLD growing in a wall, below an air - conditioner, adjacent to where we would eat, to management.

After weeks passing and seeing nothing done, I went to Hawaii - OSHA. Hawaii - OSHA passed off my complaint to the Health Department, claiming they did not have jurisdiction. Neither Hawaii - OSHA or the Health Department responded to my complaint.

I had to track down information myself. Finally the air conditioner was replaced and a sheetrock panel was replaced.

Then, there was the "FLOOD" when arriving at work between 4:00 and 4:30 I heard a bell ringing at the standpipe. Before arriving I went to Tesoro to get a snack. In the back I saw TORRENTS of water coming out of the trucking bays. LITERALLY, TORRENTS. This water was obviously under pressure. It did not come from an accumulation of rain water, as I was told.

I was sent home at 4:30 in the morning because of an "unsafe work enviornment." That same day I called back to see if we could come in. I discovered everyone else was allowed to work. The next day I returned to work and saw covers on the computers and cardboard on the floor.

I inquired if the fire department was called and was told "no". Seemingly this cursory "mop up " was all that took place and we carried on as usual. Now this location is being sold to TTARGET STORES, BY KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS. At least the parking lot and the ground level store. Was an inspection ever done? COVER - UP AND, OR SET - UP?

Vernon Balmer Jr.
401 Atkinson DR 211
Honolulu, Hawaii 96814

Your Theory
Powered By Ringsurf

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Steering Committee

James Pietsch joined the law school in 1991 after teaching as an adjunct professor for several years. For the previous ten years he was the directing attorney of the Honolulu Elder Law Unit of the Legal Aid Society of Hawai`i. In 1990 he received national recognition when he was presented the Paul Lichterman Award for outstanding achievement in the advancement of legal services for older persons.

Guess this is why it was suggested that I seek asistance from the studets at U of H.
Can't you see them in their new jobs. Thank GOD I didn't make that mistake.

Univ. of Hawai`i Law School: James Pietsch joined the law school in 1991 after teaching as an adjunct professor for several years. For the previous ten years he was the directing ... - 20k

Honolulu Star-Bulletin ObituariesEventually, Pietsch and his partner formed Title Guaranty of Hawaii, ... and resolving conflicts that you find when you search,” James Pietsch said. ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

Saturday, July 21, 2007


While working for TITLE GUARANTY,in the basement of the old COSTCO building, in SALT LAKE, I reported MOLD to management. After weeks passing and seeing nothing done, I went to Hawaii - OSHA. Hawaii - OSHA passed off my complaint to the Health Department, claiming they did not have jurisdiction. Neither Hawaii - OSHA or the Health Department responded to my complaint. I had to track down information myself. Finally the air conditioner was replaced and a sheetrock panel was replaced. Then, there was the "FLOOD" when arriving at work between 4:00 and 4:30 I heard a bell ringing at the standpipe. Before arriving I went to Tesoro to get a snack. In the back I saw TORRENTS of water coming out of the trucking bays, LITERALLY, TORRENTS. This water was obviously under pressure. It did not come from an accumulation of rain water. I was sent home at 4:30 in the morning because of an "unsafe work enviornment." That same day I called back to see if we could come in. I discovered everyone else was allowed to work. The next day I returned to work and saw covers on the computers and cardboard on the floor. I inquired if the fire department was called and was told "no". Seemingly, this cursory "mop up " was all that took place, and we carried on as usual. Now this location is being sold to TTARGET STORES, BY KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS. At least the parking lot and the ground level store. Was an inspection ever done? COVER - UP AND, OR SET - UP?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Keeping It Real

You can’t champion equality for your own people when you tolerate discrimination against any people because of who they are. Freedom is indivisible. You cannot grant it to some and deny it to others. It is either for everybody or it is for nobody. -- Christine Chavez, UFW

Monday, April 2, 2007

Where Are They Now - Who's Been Rewarded

Cynthia Yamasaki
Myron Koizumi
Grant Yamauchi
Mike "You'll All Have Jobs When This Is Over" Iamanaka
Pearla Kouchi
Mary Kahoopii
Renee Aiona
Sunshine Rubin
Wil Kahapea
Cheryl Irebaria
Harriett Athayasai